Wednesday web links – warmups, race transfers, beaches & the office

I haven’t shared any interesting links/reads with you guys in forever! Here are a few sites that caught my eye lately.

Best warmup
I’ve been having serious issues with my left leg (from the top down)! I went and saw another physio therapist last week, and he thinks by strengthening my hips and loosening my calf muscles I should be ok.

He also gave me an awesome warmup to do, which will really help to open my hips and prepare my legs for a workout.

It’s actually from Lesley Paterson, the bad-ass beauty who races (and often wins) XTERRA events. It takes 10 minutes and focuses on dynamic stretching.

Ironman transfer program
One of the scariest things about signing up for an Ironman (in my opinion) is not knowing if you’ll make it to the start line. Will you get injured? Will life events come up preventing you from participating? An Ironman is not a cheap entry fee ($750+), and it would be a hard pill to swallow to lose it.



(Thank you KT tape for helping me get to two big finish lines last year!!)

I was so happy to read Ironman has implemented a North American transfer pilot program. It’s not perfect, but I think it’s an awesome step in the right direction, allowing people to transfer Ironman races or move down to a 70.3! Read the fine print for all the details.

(The Challenge Family offers a decent cancellation policy and is growing a ton!)

Best beaches
I’m a beach lover through and through. The tables at our wedding were actually beach names of places we’ve visited together.

We’ve only been to two of Tripadvisor’s best beaches, so it looks like we need to plan a few beach vacations!


Whitehaven Beach, Australia in 2004

Office plants
I’ve had a few different plants at work, all of which die in my care. I want to get another one and remembered an old article I read, The 6 Best Plants for a Healthy Office, from Men’s Health.

I have direct sunlight, so I’m thinking peppermint since they say it’s easy to care for!

Do you do a proper warmup before a workout? What’s your favourite beach? 

33 responses to “Wednesday web links – warmups, race transfers, beaches & the office

  1. Thanks for sharing the great links & info! I’m hoping to add some more favorites to my beach list when we go on vacation next week. We’re taking a cruise and stopping in four ports. Can’t wait!!

  2. That warm-up video was great – some of the moves are brand new to me and others remind me of my college track days!!! I don’t warm up like I should anymore.
    I love the beach, too. I haven’t been to many of the famous one but I do love any beach in Hawaii!!!

  3. We have lots in common:) The left side of my body is constantly rebelling against me… I also have a tight L hip and L calf… My PT says it’s because I am way stronger on my L versus R, so I always want to use the left, therefore it’s over used…. and prone to injury. I am also happy about the Ironman transfer program, it gives us at least a little ‘safety blanket’ when paying for these races. The tables at our wedding were named after mountains we’ve climbed. I am more of a mountain person, but if I had to share my favorite beach it would be Lake McKenzie breach on Fraser Island, Australia.. breathtaking! I was lucky enough to study abroad in Australia while in college.

    • We definitely do have a lot in common! Take care of that left side- you have a big spring/summer 🙂
      That’s awesome you studied abroad in Australia! Where was the University you attended?
      And funny about the tables named after mountains you’ve climbed!

  4. I had no idea racing an ironman is so expensive! Wow, not to mention all the gear you need. That’s enough to deter me right there! I never warm up before a workout, I feel like it makes me more tired and well, maybe I am just too lazy! That beach looks amazing – funny thing, I haven’t been to many beaches in the world! Time for a warm vacation so I see some 😉

  5. Very cool! I do most of those moves in my warm up. Dynamic warm ups have changed my world!
    Good news about the transfers. I wish more races would adopt that kind of policy.
    Fave beach? That’s tough. I’ll say the many beaches in Guam I chilled at. (My wife is from there)

    • Yes- Guam beaches look spectacular! How often do you guys go back?

      • We’ve only been there together two times. And it’s been a while. I wish we could afford to do it more often as Jennie’s family is mostly all there (not to mention I don’t mind being on a tropical island). Like everything else in this world, it’s gotten expensive. 10 years ago, tickets from Dallas to Guam were $800. today – $3000. WTHeck?!?!??!?!

      • That’s an insane price, especially with four of you now!

  6. Thanks for sharing the hip workouts! I will use them. Glad to hear IM is starting to get at least a little bit in the right direction 🙂

  7. When I find time I will most definitely be looking up these links but already hit up the top beach one… wishful thinking!

  8. Love so many things about this post. 1. That warmup. Just pinned it for future reference. 2. List of the best beaches-totally going to look at these for our honeymoon and 3. I need some plants in my office, but mine always die too- love that list!

  9. I think I’ve been to that beach!!!
    Is it in the Whitsundays?

    Love the idea of your table names!

  10. Thanks for the warm up link Abby, I’ve been trying to get into a dynamic warm up routine!

  11. I’ve never been to any of those beaches; the closest I’ve come the Carribbean Sea side of Grand Turk, also in the Turks and Caicos. We were the only ones there, and the sea was clear with calm water, ideal! My husband and I got married on a beach in Scotland, and with the day being so beautiful and sunny, our photos look as though we had a hot destination wedding.

  12. In yoga we do a bit of a warm up before really getting into the meat of the class, but for running I rarely warm up at all. I’m going to have to check out that video!

    My favorite beach? Any of the ones in Turks & Caicos! That’s where my husband and I got married. 🙂

  13. I do a dynamic warm up before runs. Sometimes I’m better at it than others but I always try to do something! Squats, high knees, lunges, jumping jacks , etc!

  14. That warm up looks perfect! If only I could get myself to do one every time I went for a run. I really need to get better at that!!
    Those beaches look awesome! I would go to any of them!! I want to go spend some time on some European beaches!! One day!!
    Good luck with the plants! I pretty much have a blue thumb and can keep nothing alive!! 😦

  15. I adore Lesley Patterson. She’s such a rock star!! My husband has ridden with her a few times in Xterra races (I don’t mean WITH her like friends but with her as in since she’s a pro woman and he’s an amateur male he’s the same speed as her and they’re on the course close together). Thanks for sharing that stretch. I have hip issues, too.

    I never knew Ironman tris were THAT much. Crickey! I’m glad you successfully made it both times. Too bad they don’t offer insurance of some sort in case you wake up sick or have an emergency.

  16. I love dynamic stretches, and they’re so fun to do. Thanks for the links! As for my favorite beach. Hmmm… We almost always go to the same beach in NC, but I sure did enjoy the beaches on Maui!

  17. ahh i love Lesley! and we do that video warm up. Good stuff!

  18. I am actually really bad at warming up before a workout. Before going for a run I never do any stretching or anything. Same thing with cross-training.
    Thanks for sharing the links!!

  19. runnerbydefault

    Whoa! I didn’t realize how expensive it is to sign up for an Ironman! Wow! That makes half marathon entry fees look quite tame. I won’t complain ever again! 🙂 I love that you named the tables at your wedding after beaches. Such a cool idea! I love so many beaches. Not sure I can narrow my favorite down to just one but Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman is at the top of my list.

  20. Hope your leg is feeling better! I need to visit every one of those beaches! So cool you’ve been to the Whitsunday Islands… my sis has, too! It looks absolutely beautiful there! Agree on the new IM transfer program. It’s not perfect, but a great first step. I’m really intrigued by the Challenge events, but dang it, I want to race Kona so bad! 🙂

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