Some of my favourite vegan recipes

There’s no question that I prefer to bake instead of cook. Most new recipes I try are desserts, and most I Pin fit onto my sweets boards!

Here are a few of my favourite vegan recipes.

Best cakes:


Best muffins:


Best cookies:

Best fuel:

Not only does Lindsay post some recipes, but she also sells Healthy Bites. I can’t wait to be in training again to buy some and test other flavours!

Best Brownies:

Best Donuts:


I’ll add one savoury recipe to the list! Don’t judge- I always crave Kraft Dinner. I feel bad when I make it since my husband used to love macaroni and cheese, too. I searched plenty of vegan mac and cheese recipes but wanted something that was easy to make and didn’t require odd ingredients.

I think I found THE vegan mac and cheese recipe. It is insanely delicious!

What are some of your favourite sweet or vegan recipes? Do you prefer to bake or to cook?

*edited to say: I’m not vegan. My husband is, and I love to make yummy baked vegan goods!

51 responses to “Some of my favourite vegan recipes

  1. These all sound so good! I’ve gotta check some out, especially those peanut butter chocolate pillows!

  2. This is an awesome collection. I am always looking for new mac-b-cheese recipes. I have one that uses quinoa instead of macaroni and it is so good! And the sweets, always appreciated! I love baking and cooking.

  3. I didn’t know that you were vegan! This food all looks super delish!

  4. Anything named Peanut Butter Chocolate Pillows has my name all over it!

  5. And just as I was starting to get over the holiday cravings – thanks a lot LOL.

  6. The frosting in that first photo is making me crave sugar! My wife made vegan brownies the other day – looks like I just decided on my breakfast of champions for the day.

  7. I forget your hubs is – you’re aces for being able to cook for you and him. I really want to cook more vegan recipes but the ingredients list always seems so daunting. Thoughts on how I can get brave and try??

    • These recipes aren’t too daunting…as long as you have flax seeds and a dairy substitute to replace the egg and milk, you’re golden!
      I think the easiest thing to do is find simple recipes of something you’d already make, like healthy muffins, and then start there.
      The best thing is you can eat the dough and batter without worrying about raw egg.

  8. These look great – I’m going to give them a try. I’m not vegan, but I’ve been vegetarian for 23 years and try to eat vegan often. Cheers!

  9. I love this post! I will definitely save it for future reference. I have yet to bake anything vegan but I cook vegan all the time! Thanks again!

  10. Thanks for sharing love!
    Those cookies and muffins…

  11. it’s dinner time here and all i want is a cupcake! haha. All sound wonderful and thanks for the healthy bites love.

  12. This is such a good collection! Thanks!

  13. Those cookie dough balls are the BEST. Everywhere I bring them, people can’t believe they are vegan : ) This is a great list! Yum!

  14. Pumpkin and gingerbread are two of my favorites–definitely trying that first one! I love to bake more than cook, too. Who needs real meals when there are desserts?

  15. I love this post.. it wraps all the good stuff into one! thanks for all the awesome recipes!

  16. I love Oh She Glows too! Everything she makes is delicious! I’ve never tried these recipes but I’m definitely in the mood for pumpkin treats!

  17. I don’t think it is fair that I just came across this post pre-lunch time. I am so hungry, and your pics look DELICIOUS!

  18. Baking over cooking for sure!!! I loved this one recipe …I think I pinned it. I make it a lot in the summer, it was quinoa macroons!!!! it has raw honey in it so some vegans eat honey, others don’t – do you??

  19. runnerbydefault

    Neither a baker or a cooker here. I just love to eat!! Those donuts look awesome!!

  20. Pumpkin gingerbread cake with spiced buttercream??!?!?! that sounds amazing!!!! I don’t know how to cook, but I loooove pinning things to my “learning to cook” pinboard.. one day I will actually attempt to make something from there! 🙂

  21. You found a mac and cheese!! I MUST try it!! Along with ALL these other goodies..YUM!

  22. wowzer…so if i wasn’t already hurting for din din u’ve now put me over the top!! lol. but is it bad if i just wanna skip a ‘meal’ and go straight for those desserts?? 😉

  23. These recipes sound delicious! I am not much of a baker – it requires way too much accuracy and precision for me. I think I am going to give the donuts a try, they look easy enough 🙂

  24. I love to bake over cooking too. All of these recipes look so yummy. I’ll have a hard time deciding what to make first!

  25. Pingback: My weekend: three highlights | Change of Pace

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