It’s Friiiday and I’m less than two months away

Friday is always a great day, but especially when it’s the Friday before a long weekend. I’m in way too good of a mood today to be at work and especially since I have to stay late!

It’s Canada Day on Sunday, so I get Monday off too. Unfortunately Kelly has to work so we can’t escape to the mountains. Instead, we’ll hopefully get in some good workouts  here and enjoy activities around home.

Two months

Tuesday marked two months until Ironman Canada. I celebrated with a lunch run on the trails and a bike after work.

I’m kind of shocked it’s coming up so quickly! But I’ve been really happy with how my training has progressed (knock on wood). <– I’m still doing that!

I’m still not following a training plan and am just going with how my body feels. I remember what I did last time (for IMAZ in 2010) and am trying to keep my weekly runs, bikes, and swims on par. It’s a lot less stressful this way, and I know I’m doing what I am able.

I ran off the bike yesterday for only the third time. I think it will always feel weird, but it’s getting used to that odd feeling that I need to practice.

Here’s to another safe and healthy two months of training to get Kelly and me to the start (and finish!) line on August 26!

16 responses to “It’s Friiiday and I’m less than two months away

  1. Yay I can’t wait, it’s been fun following along with your training! I like your relaxed approach to training, that’s how I like to train for stuff too.

  2. Yay for a 3 day weekend! These next two months are going to fly by, it will be race day before you know it 🙂

  3. Wow! The next 2 months will fly by – I remember when my race was 2 months away and now it’s already over! I like that you aren’t even following a training plan – I guess it was like that for my first marathon vs my 2nd. My first I was much more regimented. My friend Asia who DNF at CdA may be doing Canada – do you mind me asking why you chose that course? Maybe it will help her decide.

    • It does come and go so quickly!
      The only reason I chose this race is because of the timing. A June race (or earlier) or fall race is too hard to train here. When we did AZ, it was way too cold on some of our long rides, and we had to use the trainers for our long rides at the very end.
      I’ve heard really good things about it though, and it wouldn’t be too bad to travel to from California either.

  4. Noticed you have a balance ball! I recently started using one for some stretches and sitting at my desk. Love it! Hoping it helps my core and posture. How long have you been using one?

    • I think I’ve been using it for about four months now. My chair at work was brutal, so I brought the ball to try out. I use it most days but still sit in the chair when I find myself trying to slouch on the ball!

  5. so soon!!! we love ironman Canada. Beautiful! You can do it, it’s more mental than anything.

  6. Wow 2 months to go! So important at this stage to listen to your body..

  7. Enjoy your long weekend and Happy Cananda Day! I used to go to an overnight camp with a lot of Canadian staff. I remember they would sport their favorite Canadian gear all day (one even wore a flag), and we would all sing Oh Canada! Best of luck wtih all your training! The training itself is such a huge accomplishment!

  8. Yea for 3 day weekends!!! Lucky you!

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